Our Philosophy

  • Collaboration

  • Ownership

  • Understanding

  • Excellence

Edin is a specialist transport consultancy based in Auckland. Our team has strong local government experience and relationships. We have a detailed understanding of the transport vision for New Zealand as well as regional and national design principles.

Edin was formed in 2014 after directors Tim Segedin and Rob Douglas-Jones moved into consultancy practice after enjoying a season in leadership roles at Auckland Transport.

We are a small team of positive, highly experienced transportation professionals who love to solve interesting problems big or small. All of our projects are lead by one of the company partners who take a hands on role in project delivery.

Meet the Team

  • Tim Segedin - Principal Consultant

    Tim is an experienced traffic and transportation engineer and project manager. He has a broad range of experience gained both in the UK and NZ. Tim specialises in design, delivery and trial initiatives. Tim is a paddle boarding enthusiast and considers it a viable addition to Auckland’s multimodal system.

  • Rob Douglas-Jones - Principal Consultant

    Rob is an experienced leader with management experience as well as an extensive background in traffic engineering and network optimisation, with experience in both the private and public sectors. When not working Rob dedicates hours to expanding his understanding of the greater Auckland network while clad in lycra.

  • Zoe Douglas-Jones - Principal Consultant

    Degree qualified as a Civil Engineer, Zoe is an experienced transport professional with a background spanning 20 years of traffic engineering, transport planning, project management and project controls. Zoe has a particular interest in environmental sustainability, commuting by bike and more recently growing fruit and vegetables in her garden.

  • Jocelyn Segedin - Principal Engineer

    Jocelyn has gained broad traffic and transportation experience in both the UK and NZ. She is a specialist in all things network optimisation including dynamic lanes, benefits realisation assessments and design. She has put her doctorate in medical sciences to good use to keep Auckland’s roads healthy.

  • Kendra Wilson - Senior Consultant

    Kendra is an urban planner specialising in transportation and has been working in the industry with Edin for over five years. During this time, she has worked on a number of projects gaining experience in project and programme management, network optimisation, road safety and design. Her love for drum and bass music alongside early morning gym sessions has conditioned her for site work at any time of the day or night.

  • Deborah Jackson - Senior Consultant

    Deborah has over 10 years of experience in traffic and transportation engineering. She has a wide range of experience in working on small to large scale projects, including traffic modelling, crash reduction studies, safety audits, benefits realisation, scheme assessment and feasibility studies. She currently works part-time and often from her home office, where her friendly labradoodle likes to sleep at her feet.