Kendra Wilson Kendra Wilson

Redoubt Road Dynamic Lane

Edin provided project management, business case and design support for the AT trial of dynamic lanes on Redoubt Road.

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Kendra Wilson Kendra Wilson

Signal Cycle Time Trial

Working with AT to develop a trial on the impacts of implementing reduced signal cycle times at major intersections

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Kendra Wilson Kendra Wilson

Bus Route Priority

An assessment on all of AT’s 'Frequent Service Network' bus routes to identify corridor upgrades necessary to provide whole of route bus priority.

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Kendra Wilson Kendra Wilson

Benefits Realisation

Reviewing and reporting on recent bus priority projects to help illustrate their impact in order to inform future investment decision making.

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Kendra Wilson Kendra Wilson

Standard Protocols

Leading the development of standard protocols for intersections to provide a consistent strategy of operation across the Auckland Network

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