Whangaparaoa Road Dynamic Lane

In a groundbreaking initiative, Edin spearheaded the first-ever implementation of dynamic lanes on a New Zealand road with adjacent accesses. This project stood as a monumental stride towards alleviating congestion and optimising travel times.

Our team was entrusted with comprehensive project management and engineering support responsibilities, encompassing every phase from the trial application and design to the implementation and post-implementation monitoring. Collaborating closely with Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi ensured a seamless execution and constant alignment with project objectives.

The dynamic lanes project has proven to be a resounding success, manifesting in substantial travel time reductions and a noticeable alleviation of congestion. This initiative not only enhances the daily commuting experience for countless road users but also sets a precedent for innovative traffic management solutions in New Zealand.

Edin continues to reflect on this pioneering project, extracting valuable insights and lessons that will inform future dynamic lane implementations and traffic management initiatives. Our commitment to innovation and efficiency in transportation remains unwavering, as we strive to contribute to the ongoing evolution of New Zealand's road networks.


Redoubt Road Dynamic Lane


Signal Cycle Time Trial